Pleasure Before Business
Book 1 of the Lavender Lace Series
Publisher: Lynn LaFleur
Release Date: January 23, 2020 (ebook)
Genre: Contemporary/Paranormal MF
Length: Short Novel
Cover Design by: Lynn LaFleur
Marci Bayne, president of a successful media company, refuses to get involved with an employee. She doesn’t consider it professional, especially after an affair with one ended badly. Enter her new vice president, hunky Keefe Donegan with his black hair and blue eyes, and she’s a goner.

Marci wears business suits to work every day, yet has a weakness for sexy lingerie. She can’t resist buying several pieces of lingerie when she visit Lavender Lace, a store run by Celtic goddess Ashlyn. Ashlyn convinces Marci to be brave and buy something new, something a man wouldn’t be able to resist.

Keefe falls for Marci, despite knowing she’s leery of a relationship with an employee. It’ll take time, but will be worth it to convince her pleasure always comes before business.

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Keefe leaned forward and rested his forearms on the table. “I think you’re the only woman I’ve ever known who said she isn’t worried about calories.”

Marci laughed. “I don’t worry about them when it comes to my favorite dessert. After all this food tonight, I may never fit in this dress again.”

“You fit in it perfectly.” His gaze dipped to her breasts a moment. “You’re a very lovely woman, Marci.”

“Thank you.” she said softly.

The space between them seemed to crackle with electricity. Anything to do with business disappeared with his compliment. They were no longer employer and employee, but a woman and man.

Marci felt the fluttering low in her belly…that delicious build-up of desire. Keefe’s eyes flared with heat, as if he could sense her body’s reaction to him.

Aaron’s arrival with their dessert and coffee broke the spell. She focused on the waiter’s hand while he poured her coffee. She didn’t look at Keefe, but knew he watched her.

As soon as Aaron left, Marci lifted her dessert fork and cut a bite of cheesecake. Keefe’s fork came into her line of vision as he, too, cut a piece of the creamy dessert.

“I agree with you,” he said.

She braved a look at his face. “About what?”

“You can’t worry about calories when something is this good.”

His joke dissolved the tension between them. Marci relaxed and smiled at him. “That’s why it’s a special treat. If I ate it every day, the way I’d love to, I wouldn’t be able to fit through the front door.”

Keefe dipped his fork again into their creamy dessert. “There are a lot of ways to work off calories.”

Just like that, the electricity crackled again. It had been an innocent sentence, yet it sent images through Marci’s head of all the ways she and Keefe could work off calories–in bed, bent over a desk, on the loveseat in her office.